Next stop on the 2024 Trekkie Tour!
Last summer, while I was attending the 2023 Star Trek - Las Vegas convention, I was pleased to meet the president and founder of Galaxy Con, the rapidly expanding force on the convention scene. At that point, I’d already attended a rival fan-franchise event, and was underwhelmed to say the least. Mike Broder begged my indulgence: “You gotta try it out. We’re more like an old-time con!” And they were coming to San Jose—an easy drive from my place in Starfleet Headquarters.
Well, obviously they're doing something right, because I was unable to secure a table in artist's alley before they were sold out. Fortunately, I was able to secure alternate arrangements. Namely, I'll be working the Inglorious Treksperts' table on Friday and Sunday, August 16 and 18th.
In the event that you don't know about the Treksperts, they are Mark A. Altman, Daren Dochterman, and Ashley Miller, fans turned pros who have got one of the longest-running and most successful Star Trek podcasts around. And if you want to hear a sample, you might even start with this one from 2020, when yours truly was a guest. (If you're more interested in hearing folks like the director of The Wrath of Khan or the original Captain of the Enterprise, they're on as well.)
Anyway, I'll be helping out while the inglorious trio are conducting panels and interviews, including a live commentary screening of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier with William Shatner in person. There will be complete sets of When We Were Trekkies on sale, along with other goodies like the sketch above.
If you’re coming to the show, I hope you'll stop by to say hi!
If you can't make it to SJ, I'll be in Berkeley at the Cape and Cowl Con August 25—and the San Francisco Zine Fest on September 1. Stay tuned for more news to come!
Maybe you've heard about Apple’s new surcharge on Patreon. Grrrr. As I understand it, memberships will be “taxed” 30% as of November, so artists like me will have to charge more to compensate—the $2 tier will go away in a couple of months. The good news is, existing subscriptions will be grandfathered in.
So, if you’d like to support my efforts on Patreon, where I post more stories and art, now’s a great time to join. I use funds from patrons to cover my table fees and other expenses for convention appearances. Thanks for your support and consideration!